Water-Based Fogging For Pest Control

Usual pest control foggers use diesel as a medium of carrying treatment chemicals into hard to reach places and has been an effective fogging methods for many years.
However, diesel is oily and sticks to surfaces. This creates 2 scenarios which may or may not work out for different situations.
Firstly, the diesel or water based mist carries the treatment chemicals and gets deposited onto surfaces, and stays there. Diesel however, doesn’t get washed away with rain or water sprays easily. The advantage of this is that any pests that come into contact with treated surfaces may get killed and has a good lasting after fogging effect.
The other scenario could be seen as a downside to this. It is also because diesel-based pest fogging mist doesn’t get washed away easily, the pest control technician’s clothes will also get stained with a thin layer of the treatment chemical. If done too frequently, a thick visible layer of oil builds up and makes the surface look oily and messy.
Water based fogging or some calls it misting offers a better and more environmentally friend solution by depositing the chemicals for as long as the surfaces remains dry. Everything is reset when it rains.
Why water based fogging a good thing?
When fogging is only required to treat the more immediate issue of killing or chasing away flying pests. Coating the surfaces with a thin layer of chemical rarely does anything to them when they return.
Also mosquitoes breed in water, only the adults are able to fly about. Thus, the root of the issue is with stagnant water which fogging does not solve.
When is diesel based fogging an advantage?
When it comes to creepy crawlies like cockroaches, they will walk on chemical treated surfaces. Tiny amount of chemicals gets attached to their legs and antennas.
When they start to groom themselves, bam! That’s where they get terminated. Diesel type of fogging is also highly recommended in places with high humidity like refuse chutes
So which is better?
There are multiple considerations when it comes to choosing the type of fogging. There are straight forward scenarios like fogging of refuse chutes, we will use diesel based fogging due to the high humidity levels making water based fogging ineffective.
The next biggest consideration is cost. Water fogging is relative new compared to diesel and costs are higher when deploying them.
If cost is a major concern, then diesel is recommended.
However, when it comes to indoors, residential or office spaces. We will strongly recommend water based misting as we do not need to deposit a semi-permanent layer of chemical.
We will want some that is easy to clean off afterwards when the pests are terminated.
Call us for an on-site assessment of the fogging requirements you need!
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Pest Control Fogging